Latest updates and prayer requests from Thomas Fretwell, The Ezra Foundation:
• I recently spoke at a Bible prophecy conference in Oxford with over 600 in attendance with Amir Tsarfati. My message was on Answering Replacement Theology and it was well received. This has also led to the opportunity to have my books translated in German.
• In May, I gave an academic paper on Premillennialism and missiology to The International Society of Biblical Hermeneutics. This will be published later in the year.
• In June the Ezra Foundation has been asked to speak for Prophetic Witness Ministries International on the subject of Bible prophecy.
• Later in June I will be speaking at the Calvary Chapel UK Blessed Hope Conference along with an Ezra Foundation bookstall.
• Please continue to pray for all these opportunities to spread the work of the
Ezra Foundation.
Latest updates and prayer requests from Simon Lissak, Chosen People Ministries UK:
On a recent trip to an Ultra Orthodox neighbourhood I found myself outside a church with the words of Matthew 22:37 printed on a banner. As Jewish people passed by I asked if they knew where it came from? This led to conversations with Hassidic Jews about what is the greatest commandment in the Torah? Many said that there were 613 commandments and all of them were equally valid, but as we discussed this idea they began to realise that it was not true.
One man was sure that it was to observe the Sabbath. What a shame that without his Messiah he cannot enjoy the Sabbath rest that is to come, the One promised in Hebrews 4:1-9. I have known Rabbi Suffrin for many years and saw him recently. I greeted him warmly and we spoke about our past encounters and discussion about Messiah. I was able to remind him of the prophesy that predicted a suffering Messiah who would come to die for us before returning in glory. Please pray for his salvation and for further God ordained encounters on the street.
Leon was walking along with a book about a politician’s wife and we got into conversation and then I asked him what it was like living as a secular Jew in an Orthodox area? Leon enjoys debating his Orthodox neighbours because he knows that most Jewish people are like him! Since Leon is a Jewish atheist I engaged him as I would any other atheist, making arguments for God from creation, physics and philosophy. I offered him my card and suggested we continue to talk. Please pray he calls.
Jackie and Shira sat at the table next to us in a cafe and we started talking. At first, I was not sure if they were Jewish as we talked about Israel it became obvious that they were. Neither of them are religious although they both keep Shabbat and do some of the holidays. When I revealed that I was a Messianic Jew they are not sure what it meant! That gave me the opportunity to explain that I was Jewish and believed that Jesus was the Jewish Messiah. They then asked if we were anything to do with the group that meets in the cafe on Friday nights? YES, I replied happily and prayed that they would soon come to one of the meetings. I hope that you are enjoying the start of summer and am so grateful for your support and prayers.
Blessings in Messiah,
*Names Changed
Latest updates from Oliver Sims, Chosen People Ministries UK:
During the summer break from my Masters studies, I’m travelling on the train to a lot to places and I keep bumping into Jewish men! The other day I was returning home on the train from Manchester and a young Orthodox man in his twenties came and sat right in front of me. Providentially, I was able to give him a booklet in Hebrew about how Jesus has fulfilled the Messianic prophecies in the Bible. Amazingly, he sat and read through it for a good ten minutes and then pushed it into his bag.
A few moments later, a Hassidic man returning to Gateshead came and sat opposite me. We talked about the Talmud, faith in God and the festival of Shavuot (Pentecost) which will soon be upon us. As I write this I’m again on the train (to visit a friend on the South Coast) and its happened again; a simple ‘Shalom’ to a Hassidic man in the toilets at York station led, once more, to a conversation!
Its important when we speak to the religious that we are friendly and take an interest in what they are reading/doing. Asking questions can also help us in our own understanding. We can then develop a dialogue that transitions from faith in God, to the Bible, to Jesus as the Messiah. With this in mind, I was at a Gateshead Church today encouraging believers (who live amongst the Jewish community there) to find creative and genuine ways of reaching out to the people around them.
One way is to get a Jewish calendar containing the Jewish dates and festivals. With prayer, we can then plan to be intentional about when and how to love and serve the Jewish people that the Lord has laid across our path. Even if we don’t live in a Jewish area we can send cards, give gifts and pray! Over the next few weeks I will be spending more time engaging the Orthodox in Gospel conversations. Please pray (in the manner of Romans 11:11) that the Lord will continue to give me more opportunities and soften hearts.
Thank you,
Latest updates from Fiona Sorbala, Chosen People Ministries UK:
The last few months have been both challenging and exciting as I have been working in Berlin with Beit Sar Shalom Germany, a partner ministry of Chosen People Ministries, as they responded to the crisis caused by the war in Ukraine and its influx of refugees. I am deeply thankful to all who have followed my journey, supporting me both financially and prayerfully.
The bulk of my work was organising volunteer teams from Israel and then organising accommodation for refugees. As the influx slowed, I began to spend more time with refugees, whom they are integrating into the life of the congregation and developing new ministries. A weekly bible study has begun, a German conversation class and we now have a telephone line manned by one of the refugees. Soon there will be a clinic, led by one of the refugees, to provide spiritual help and counselling.
I was able to attend a Messianic conference for Russian speaking congregations from all over Germany. We took nine refugees with us. It was great to see the Lord encourage them in the Word and spend time ministering to them. We also gave away 1000 Ukrainian New Testaments. They were taken by Ukrainians who were delighted to have the Scriptures in their own language and ministries and congregations who will pass them on to the refugees that they are in contact with. What an enormous blessing to have been part of this.
At the conference, I had the privilege of spending some time with a group of invalids who had arrived from Russian occupied areas. They were grateful for what is being done for them. A couple of them who were Jewish especially enjoyed the conference.
It’s been such a rich blessing to have been able to help the Berlin team, but it is good to be back based in the UK. I am planning a short overseas trip to minister to Russian speaking Jewish people in the Baltics. While I was in Berlin I was still teaching and leading services for the congregation in London via Zoom. Fortunately, I was able to be back in London for our first in person Passover Celebration since the beginning of the Pandemic.
It was a wonderful evening of fellowship, and we were even able to invite an Israeli family to join us. We believe this is a time to grow and are praying that the Lord will guide us.