Oppose Antisemitism
Sign the petition to our leaders!
(you must be a UK citizen)
To: Your local member of Parliament
As followers of the Messiah Jesus, we are deeply concerned about the growth of antisemitism in our nation.
We believe all people are made in God’s image, and we oppose all forms of prejudice—especially antisemitism—which is a particular offense to the God who chose the Jewish people for His holy purposes (Genesis 12:1–3).
According to a Community Security Trust (CST) Report, antisemitism is on the rise in the UK and reached a record high in 2021.
This has got to stop! Now more than ever before, we need to stand together, unified, to put a stop to . . .
We cannot remain silent while these acts of aggression continue—we must take action, and we call upon our leaders to do the same.
Together, we can stand for truth and justice with the Jewish community.
A Gift of Thanks
Receive the eBook Never Again: the Holocaust Remembered—a collection of stories detailing the courage and grace found amid the tragedy of the Holocaust—as our gift for adding your name to our petition. This downloadable book will remind you the Lord was still at work during those difficult days and encourage you as you take a stand for the Jewish people, pray for the peace of Jerusalem, and oppose growing antisemitism today.