Ukraine: Fiona on the Frontline Week 3
Blog by Fiona Sorbala
The story of my meeting with a lovely older Jewish man shows how we are all part of something bigger. His biggest concern was how to get his sister out of Ukraine. Through contacts in Moldova, I found a Russian speaking pastor near the border in Romania. He agreed to meet her and help get to the train station get to Bucharest. There his contacts met her and helped her get tickets to Berlin, via Budapest and then Munich. But there is a part of the journey that isn’t free. And the brothers and sisters in Bucharest paid for their tickets.
In Munich, she was met by my contacts here and helped to get the last leg of the journey. To bring her grandchild to safety, we thought she must leave behind her husband. This is the heartbreak that faces many families but the desire to protect the children from the trauma of the war, the shelling and the destruction makes any sacrifice worth it. But in this case, PRAISE THE LORD, at the last minute, she was able to bring him too. After 4 day’s journey this family was reunited here in Berlin. The young man in the flat above where I put the brother offered to take his sister, her husband and grandchild into his flat so not only will they be in the same city they will be in the same building! And a few days later we sent them to Grossenhain to a church who will help them settle and get a flat.
This is the story for many of the people fleeing the conflict in Ukraine. And as you can see it takes people in a number of countries to make this possible. It’s a great honour to be a link in the chain to help people. As you pray and as you give to support this work…… you too become in link in God’s chain to minister blessing to those fleeing the war.
Some days ago, I received requests from the team as they ministered at the station, desperately seeking accommodation for mothers with children. I asked one host who was available and he said yes but at the last minute it fell through. And then another urgent call so I rang the same host again but to no avail. By this time, I was feeling foolish, the team asks and so I provide but this time, the refugee changed their mind!
I was in the middle of an online seminar when my phone rang once again with an urgent request. My thoughts were oh no not again! And I couldn’t leave the seminar so I grabbed a handy team member gave him the phone number I had for the host I had already asked twice for help. The lovely surprise was this was God’s plan and even though I felt foolish asking the same host again and again, the family who eventually got the room were Messianic Jews from Kiev! You can’t out plan God and it is worth feeling a little foolish when you can see the Hand of God so clearly at work.