Sign our petition!

Sign the petition to stop the spread of antisemitism.

Antisemitism is on the rise now, more than ever before, and we need to stand together, unified, to put a stop to the spread of antisemitism before it is too late, and these acts continue . . .

  • attacks on Jewish people
  • threats against Jewish Community Centres and churches
  • antisemitic outbursts on university campuses

We cannot remain silent while these acts of aggression continue—we need to take action, and we need our leaders to take action. Together, we can stand for truth and justice with the Jewish community.

Sign the petition today to put an end to antisemitism in our nation.

A Petition against Antisemitism

We are writing to express our deep concern about the rise of antisemitism in the United Kingdom.

Antisemitism is an evil form of racial and religious hatred that has caused some of the worst atrocities the world has seen.

We want to see antisemitism disappear everywhere, but we need to start with our own nation.

In the six days inclusive between the Hamas attack on Israel—Saturday, 7 October, to Thursday, 12 October, the Community Security Trust (CST) has seen an increase of 494% this year compared to the same period last year.

Antisemitism is a blight on the reputation of our country. We are asking you, as the MP for the constituency with the largest number of Jewish people in the UK, to do everything in your power to STOP ANTISEMITISM NOW.



A Gift of Thanks

Receive the eBook Oppose Antisemitism as our gift for adding your name to our petition. This downloadable book will remind you the Lord is still at work during these difficult days and encourage you as you take a stand for the Jewish people, pray for the peace of Jerusalem, and oppose growing antisemitism today.

Sign the petition now!