Fiona Sorbala is a Jewish believer in Jesus who grew up in Scotland. Her mother, who grew up in the Egyptian Jewish community, came to the United Kingdom via France, where her brother had been killed while working for the French Resistance. Fiona has an early memory of her mother telling her to never forget that she is Jewish.
When she was 14 she came to know her Messiah. Her love for the Bible brought her to Bible College where she first got involved in evangelism to Jewish people.
In 1992 Fiona first went to St Petersburg in Russia. At this time there were amazing opportunities to evangelize and disciple the myriads of Jewish people who had been denied the Gospel under Communism. She went on to spend nearly 10 years in the former Soviet Union. She is now fluent in Russian and met her husband Marius while serving the Lord in Moldova. Like the Apostle Paul, Fiona longs to see Jewish People find their Messiah.
Fiona continues to minister to Russian speaking Jewish people travelling regularly to Latvia and also to Berlin to help Beit Sar Shalom work with Ukrainian refugees. In The UK along with co-leading Chosen People Ministries UK she is on the leadership team of Beit Sar Shalom Messianic Congregation. (A Chosen people Ministries UK congregation)